I've been blogging pretty regularly for a year now and following several other blogs by people I'm interesting in. Here's what I've found:
1. It's not easy to do. I don't always have something to write about and when I do, I walk a fine line between saying too much and being way too vague. This past year I feel like I may have bared my soul a bit too much - but they were honest feelings. It's annoying to read blogs that are so trivial you feel you waste your time by reading them.
2. It's not easy deciding how often to write. I try to update once a week, or four posts a month. There are some blogs I've stopped reading because they update too often - several times a day - they must just hang on that computer and that's too much work to keep up on it. But some people I really would LOVE to hear more about, update too seldom (you know who you are!) I've been waiting for new pieces from some of these people since the fall.
3. Is anybody even reading? I don't have many followers signed up, but people will comment sometimes on what I've written, so I know they are checking in. I started this blog as a way to build a "platform" for my writing, but it never has been just about that (there's that whole "pie" thing!)
So, I'm going to keep sending these little notes out into space and hope people touch base with me once in a while. And please forgive my attempts at poetry - I'm due to begin another session of "even day poems" in May and I'm sure I'll share at least a few.
Love em keep em commin