Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer's End - Time for Work

I've been pretty lazy this summer.  Haven't written anything much except daily journal entries. Haven't really traveled anywhere except a short weekend up North to visit our daughter at the camp she was working at for the summer. Haven't tackled any of those big and not-so-big projects that need my time and attention.

I wish I could say I was spending my time lounging at the beach reading thick, trashy novels - but I've spent most of my time at home, sitting in a chair and letting my knee heal, though I have spent my time working my way through a series of mystery novels set at the University of Notre Dame.  It's has taken longer than I hoped to get my strength and stamina back. I feel almost like I've lost the summer.

So, here it is Labor Day weekend and after the next few days it's time to get back to work. Time to buckle down and accomplish stuff. Our daughter has returned to college to finish her year of student teaching. Life should return to normal for us, and that means getting down to a regular schedule and writing again.

I have a good month to accomplish something before October hits and I have a couple of fun weeks planned - my regular trip to Northern Michigan to attend a quilt workshop, then a week with Tom in the Smoky Mountains for our fall vacation. Much to look forward to.

And now, much to get going on!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm Back

It has been a while since I've posted anything here - some of it has been my fault, some not since Blogspot was not letting me have access for some mysterious reason for the last couple of weeks.

This summer I've been busy slowly recovering from my second knee replacement surgery and now, exactly eight weeks afterwards, I feel I'm finally back.

Last Tuesday I went to my last doctor's appointment and then met Tom at University of Notre Dame for a celebration lunch at Legends.

About a year ago when I decided to have both my knees replaced I kept saying one thing over and over - I'm looking forward to the day when it's all behind me - all the years of pain, the surgeries, the recoveries, the physical therapy, the doctors appointments - I just wanted it to be behind me.  And last Tuesday it finally was.

Now I can get back to myself.  I can start really setting my life around my writing and my quilting and enjoying this comfy, creative life I have - without constantly making adjustments for the pain.

I have much to look forward to this fall, including a few trips and creative projects galore!  I also will be moving to a new studio space in the Box Factory for the Arts (more on that later.)

There's more to come - so much more to come. I can hardly wait!