Here's the writing I hope to accomplish in 2010:
Novel - finish the first draft of a novel : working title "Copper Kettle Bakery". This is about one-third done right now.
National Park Project - I'm writing a series of poems and essays about nine Western national parks and two reservations my family has visited over the years. I plan to combine them with photos by my husband (a landscape photographer) and self publish this early next year.

Full Moon Writing - I belong to a quartet of women writers which last year took on the project of writing about each month's full moon (they all have different names). I decided to write memoir essays, but the other women wrote poetry, essays and fiction. We're done with the writing and now we are revising and working on layout. We plan to self-publish this by the end of July. Much more on this project later.
Short Stories - I have several of these in the hopper -just need to polish them up and send them out (can't get published sitting in a drawer!) Would like to send out one a month throughout this year.
Poetry - During the month of April (poetry month) I'm going to write a poem every even day, and during October (my favorite month) I'm going to write a poem every odd day. I did this in March last year and felt very creative and productive by the end of the month, even though I had to push myself to do it and ended up writing three poems about my cats!
All this should certainly keep me more than busy - especially since I have an interesting new job, I run the writing programs at a local arts facility (more on that later too), and I'm a new grandmother. But, it keeps me busy and happy and feeling more creative than ever!
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