Tom and I have made our vacation plans for the year. Because I'm spending much of the year getting my knees fixed and getting my strength back, we decided to stick closer to home this time.
We are going to visit the Smokey Mountains and rent a cabin in Tennessee. (This photo is from the Smokeys, but it's not ours.) The cabin is not at all rustic (it has WiFi and Cable with flat screen TV's) but it's log and has a wood-burning fireplace and a covered porch with rocking chairs.
And it has a full kitchen, so I can do all the cooking and baking I want to do. And, since we're going in the fall, the fireplace will feel nice, I'm sure.
It's only about 9 hours from where we live, so we are driving, which means I can take as much stuff as I want - lots of quilting, lots of writing and reading. And no luggage or weight or space limits!
I haven't spent much time in this part of the country, so I'm looking forward to seeing it and - for the first time in a long time - moving around freely with knees that work!