Twice a year (usually in April and October) we invite the writers at the Box Factory for the Arts to submit writing for a chapbook, which is then published by the Writers' Studio. The writers may submit poetry, fiction or non-fiction, but each chapbook has a theme and the writing must be done to that theme.
The latest chapbook, published just last week, is entitled "Write a Letter" and we invited our writers to do just that. This time it was even a contest with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place money prizes. I show the cover of the book here, it was done by Ali Hansen who is in my writing quartet, but is also a wonderful artist in her own right.
She happened to take first prize in the contest, which was judged by our local librarian and the president of the library board.
Last Friday night, I invited all the writers and their families to come to an open reading at the Box Factory. We supplied the stage, mic, donut holes and cider - they got up and read their pieces. All but three people were able to make it.
As I told them that night, it's not easy to stand on a stage with the bright lights in your eyes and read your writing aloud to an audience of people, many of whom you do not know. I applaud them for being that brave.
This is the ninth chapbook we have published over the last five years, but the first time we've had an open reading. It went so well, I think we will do it again with the spring version.
It was simply a beautiful autumn night where people of like mind met and celebrated their work.