Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting Organized

Gwen and her quilts

Just came back from Gwen Marston's quilt retreat in Elk Rapids a few days ago and I'm busy trying to get organized with my sewing, work, writing and home (we're remodeling again!)

I came back from Gwen's with a renewed view of my quilting and some strong resolutions:
No new fabric for one solid year! That's not as drastic as it sounds since I have enough fabric in my stash to open my own quilting shop. It's time to stop being so wasteful and use it.

I'm also going to work only on original patterns (or classic blocks) for the next year - no one else's ideas and books. Let's see if my quilting gets more innovative and I develop a style that's truly my own.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beginning with History

Me on the balcony of The View Motel, Monument Valley, May, 2009

August 5, 2009
I'm finally getting back to my blog to begin. It's terrible to set something up in March, then find that it's August and time has slipped past.

But to start, I have very specific interests and they are writing, quilting, the arts, and history. Nearly everything I do has a connection to those things.

My husband and I live in a renovated cottage in Michigan only a few hundred yards from Lake Michigan. We have three children, two sons who are grown and out on their own, and one daughter who is in college. This past year when my daughter left for college is the first time in 28 years that we have not had at least one child in the house.

It has been a year of adjusting to that concept, but also a year of opening up to all the possibilities I put on the back burner while I had kids on my mind. This blog is a recording of this time and these discoveries.